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The Fireman Who Loved Me (The Bachelor Firemen of San Gabriel, #1)
Jennifer Bernard
Not Quite Mine (Not Quite, #2) - Catherine Bybee 4.5 StarsNot Quite Mine is the second book from the series Not Quite of Catherine Bybee and i loved it. Yet again another amazing book from this author. It's so nice to read a book when you actually feel the chemistry between the characters and the story line to be good as well. I have to admit i was quite disturbed that a mother could give away her child so easily, don't matter the circumstances of the relation you have with the father of your baby.That's the only reason i rated this book 4.5 stars. In teh rest the book was amazing. Good story line and good plot.If you read any of Catherine Bybee books before, or just thinking of do it for he first time you will enjoy this book.